Shipping Test Event Listeners
ABConvert provides event listeners that developers can use to update custom logic for shipping tests.
ABConvert's shipping test is powerful for determining free shipping thresholds and shipping rates.
To make our shipping test more seamless when handling values in the shipping banner and shipping progress bar for some custom-built themes, we provide event listeners that developers can use to update their custom logic.
The initialized event is the event that is triggered when our shipping script finish loading.
The event will only be triggered in the following scenarios:
Shipping Zone Match: The country must be included in the shipping zone. If you're testing from a country outside your selected shipping zone, ensure you're using a VPN to simulate being in one of the countries within the shipping zone.
Preview Mode: You can manually trigger the event by using preview mode. To do this, append the following query parameters to your URL:
Finally, make sure to enable the abconvert-shipping-script in the app embed settings.
For any feedback, feel free to reach out to
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