URL Redirect Tests - Getting Started

Get started with running A/B tests on your PDPs, landing pages, collection pages, and more with ABConvert

What Are URL Redirect Tests?

A URL Redirect Test is a type of A/B testing where visitors are redirected to alternate URLs to compare the performance of different versions of a webpage. This method is particularly useful for testing variations of landing pages, product pages, or other key website elements without modifying the original page directly.

When Should I Choose URL Redirect Tests?

URL Redirect Tests are ideal in the following scenarios:

  • Testing Landing Pages: When you want to compare the effectiveness of different landing pages in driving conversions.

  • Product Page Image Testing: If you want to test different product images on your product page, URL Redirect Tests can be used to test these variations by redirecting traffic between original and duplicate pages.

How URL Redirect Tests Work

The core logic of a URL Redirect Test involves two main components:

Trigger Conditions:

These are predefined rules that determine when a redirect should occur. Trigger conditions can include:

  • Matching specific page URLs or query strings.

  • Using logical operators (AND/OR) to combine rules.

  • Operators like "Matches Exactly," "Contains," "Starts With," "Ends With,"

  • Using regex patterns for complex matching.

Test Group Settings :

  • The destination URLs for each test group. Destination URLs are the URLs where users are redirected once the trigger conditions are met.

  • The percentage of traffic allocated to each variation (e.g., 50% control, 50% test).

  • Whether query strings should be preserved during redirection.

How the Audience is Split

The audience is divided into groups based on traffic allocation settings. Typically, visitors are randomly assigned to either the control group (original page) or one or more test groups (redirected pages). This ensures unbiased results and fair comparison between variations.

Customer Experience Example

  • Original Experience: A visitor lands on www.example.com/product and interacts with the original product page.

  • Test Experience: A visitor lands on www.example.com/product but is redirected to www.example.com/product-test, which features modified content or design.


URL Redirect Tests provide a flexible way to compare webpage variations without altering the original content. By defining clear trigger conditions, splitting audiences fairly, and analyzing user behavior, businesses can make data-driven decisions about their web pages' content or design. This approach is particularly useful for testing landing pages or product pages while maintaining compatibility with ad policies from platforms like Google and Facebook.

Learn more about URL testing and Google or Facebook Ads Policy here: Will I Violate Google or Facebook Ads Policy with URL Redirect Tests?

Last updated